Then & Now

In keeping with our theme of “preserving the past and preparing for the future,” we thought it would be fun to create a photo gallery of area people, places, and things to document changes over the years. If you have photos or videos to share (they can be historic or contemporary, even without a matched partner; we have lots of resources and may be able to source a twin image), please email them to


The grand inn that once graced the shore of Lake Toxaway…

The Toxaway Inn, Lake Toxaway NC

Photo courtesy of Transylvania County Library Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room (R.H. Scadin).

… was razed in 1947 and lives on only in memory today.

Toxaway Inn land, present day

Photography by Kevin Adams, from the book North Carolina Then & Now. Visit his website here.


The peninsula that was home to the Inn was a spectacular sight from across the lake…

Toxaway Inn, Lake Toxaway NC, H.R. Scadin

Photo courtesy of Transylvania County Library Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room (R.H. Scadin).

… and it still is.

Lake Toxaway Inn location, present day

Photography by Kevin Adams, from the book North Carolina Then & Now. Visit his website here.


Much of the vegetation surrounding the falls back then…

Toxaway Falls then

Photo courtesy of UNC Asheville Ramsey Library, McEwen Collection.

Noted photographer William Henry Jackson visited Historic Toxaway in the early 1900s…

Toxaway Falls NC William Henry Jackson

Photo by William Henry Jackson.

… was scoured away when the dam burst after a series of heavy rains in 1916.

Toxaway Falls Now

Photography by Kevin Adams, from the book North Carolina Then & Now. Visit his website here.

…and photographer Mike Moore recorded the same image in more recent times.

Toxaway Falls NC Mike Moore

Photo by Mike Moore.


A view towards the then-dry lake bed of Lake Toxaway, circa early 1960s…

1960 Lake Toxaway lakebed before second dam installed

Photo courtesy of John L. Nichols.

…and the same view in 2012.

View to Lake Toxaway 2012

Photo courtesy of John L. Nichols.


A daytime view of Lake Toxaway from Toxaway Point, circa 1911…

Banner Toxaway Point

Photo courtesy of John L. Nichols.

…and that view in 2016.

Banner Lake Toxaway dock

Photo courtesy of John L. Nichols.

Sunset view of Lake Toxaway from Toxaway Point, circa 1911…

Banner Lake Toxaway sunset sail

Photo courtesy of John L. Nichols.

…and an eerily similar sky in 2016.

Banner Lake Toxaway sunset

Photo courtesy of John L. Nichols.


Noted local photographer R.H. Scadin captured this view from Mt. Toxaway in the early 1900s…

Scadin_View from Mt Toxaway

…and hiker Dan Weemhoff caught the same view in 2012.

View from Mt. Toxaway Lookout Tower


A turn-of-the-century photo of an electric naptha boat from the Toxaway Inn boathouse on Lake Toxaway…

Boat on Lake Toxaway, early 1900s, from McEwen photo collection

Photo courtesy of W. B. McEwen and Caroline Nichols McEwen Collection.

…and today’s Miss Lucy, a handcrafted mahogany boat which escorts Greystone Inn guests on a nightly sunset cruise.

Greystone Inn, Lake Toxaway NC, Miss Lucy sightseeing boat

Photo courtesy of The Greystone Inn.

An old postcard of the original Lake Toxaway shows a steam-powered boat hosting early-19th century guests of the grand Toxaway Inn…

Postcard, Lake Toxaway NC

Courtesy of Rowell Bosse North Carolina Room, Transylvania County Library.

…and what very well could be that same boat, found decades later on the dry lakebed when construction on the new lake began.

Steamboat found during Lake Toxaway dam and lake reconstruction, 1960s

Photo courtesy of June Humphrey Collection.


A lustrous black and white image of Upper Whitewater Falls from the early 1900s…

William Henry Jackson Whitewater Falls early 1900s

Photo by William Henry Jackson.

…and an equally vibrant color image taken recently.

Whitewater Falls, Photo by Kevin Adams

Photography by Kevin Adams. Visit his website here.


A snapshot taken during the construction of the original Lake Toxaway…

HR Scadin, Crevice Cliff Fall

Photo by R.H. Scadin.

…and the same property today.

Deep Ford Falls, Lake Toxaway NC

Photo from the North American Land Trust (NALT).