Membership in the Business Alliance is FREE, thanks to the generosity of our non-profit parent, the Historic Toxaway Foundation. Joining is easy—all you need is a minute or two to complete and submit our Membership Form (click the button at right).

    Let Us Help to Promote Your Business For Free

    The Business Alliance is here to support and amplify the marketing efforts you already have in place for your business.

    Our digital efforts include this website, with its new Member Directory, the only comprehensive source of local business information solely dedicated to our Upper Transylvania community. We also produce weekly online and monthly print versions of our events newsletter, the Red Feather Guide, and regularly promote local activities across our social media channels. Lastly, we help put a face and a backstory on individual local businesses with our Business Stories blog features.

    Develop Business Relationships & Opportunities

    Whether it’s through sharing experiences, having a chance to ask questions or gather feedback on a particular subject, or gaining a collective voice in policy-making, meetings facilitated by the Business Alliance aim to develop business opportunities and enhance the credibility and visibility of Upper Transylvania County.

    Facilitate Joint Marketing and Area Promotion

    If you’re aware of an advertising opportunity that could benefit your business, tell us – maybe a co-operative purchase or tie-in could help your business and others, too.

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    The Business Alliance also plans to support seasonal or other thematic events that can help bolster business throughout the year.


    Ask away at info@bautc.org.

    Learn About Ways to Sharpen Your Business Skills

    One of BAUT’s goals is to promote workshops and seminars dedicated to the subjects that matter most to you, or in some cases host them ourselves. While some challenges are unique, many have common themes.

    Finding, hiring, and maintaining staff, working in a seasonal environment that ramps up as quickly as it slows down in some industries, and maintaining timely, accurate billing accounting practices are but a few.

    What do you want to learn about? Let us know and we can put you in touch with someone who can help!

    Lend Your Voice to the Local Conversation

    We know you’re busy – too busy maybe to keep tabs on all the things that local, county, and state government are talking about.

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    The Business Alliance aims to learn what’s happening and share how and why those activities might matter to you—and we want to hear what you think about it.

    Together we can present one voice that may influence future events across our footprint.

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