Lake Toxaway Schools: A Brief History

The Historic Toxaway Foundation has received a unique gift from longtime area residents Harry and Mary Sherwood.

As the couple told us, “While living in the Lake Toxaway area for over 20 years we became interested in the history of the old schools in the area. We began to research them and in 2004 eventually created a small paperback book called Lake Toxaway Area Schools. The Community Center sold it at the Friday Night Suppers to cover the cost of printing. [We] don’t know if there are any copies left. We recently came across a notebook containing a copy of the book and the photos and research used to compile the book. We thought that you might find it interesting to share some of the photos of students and stories with your viewers.”

Interesting? Absolutely! This is the kind of material we love to receive—because it helps us tell the story of Historic Toxaway, from way back until today.

We hope you’ll enjoy the stories and photos that they shared as much as we have.

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