The Historic Toxaway Foundation is a diverse collection of full- and part-time residents of Sapphire, Lake Toxaway, and Rosman, NC., established as a nonprofit in 2017 to provide a unified voice for these storied mountain communities.

Each member contributes a unique set of talents and experiences that help us in our mission “to preserve Historic Toxaway’s past while preparing for its future.” Learn more about us as individuals, here.


As a foundation, we participate in a variety of local causes, including service on county boards and committees related to Conservation, Tourism, Historic Preservation, Workforce Housing, and Education. We also regularly engage with both regional Chambers of Commerce and many county and regional agencies.

Through an offshoot organization, the Business Alliance of Upper Transylvania (BAUT), we promote local businesses through a free weekly digital publication, the Red Feather Guide; a seasonal print Visitor Guide; and social media and PR efforts, including negotiated advertising discounts and more.


Our donors’ gracious support to date has allowed us to:

— Establish the Historic Toxaway brand, resulting in broader visibility and opportunities for our area

— Commission a private small area plan that identified several key properties for potential development within our footprint, one of which is currently being planned as a proposed ‘town center’

— Curate a robust historical resource via blogs, social media, and image and video libraries

— Bolster our local businesses with free or low-cost marketing tactics to offset their out-of-pocket costs

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